Friederike Peters Certified Completion Process Practitioner
As a fellow Completion Process Practitioner, I highly recommend working with Christine. Our session was one of my most intense CP experiences in my own practice. Most importantly, I felt completely safe to express anything that wanted to come out of me, which in my case was tears, words, screams and trembles. Here, Completion Process really did feel like a birthing process. Christine’s presence was there all the way, nurturing yet strong, giving direction whenever needed. I also benefitted from her vast experience as a coach, which led not only to a very intuitive and experimental session, but also great emotional depth and insight. On physical terms, as a result of this session, my cycle normalized and my off-cycle period pains I used to have almost completely vanished.
Wolfgang Mann Gymnasiallehrer Physik (in Pension)
OMG, what a great experience! For the first time in decades, I became aware of how a coping mechanism I used to deal with anger worked. And I didn’t even know that I had this strategy to avoid expressing anger. Thanks to the great presence of Christine I was able to feel how the energy build up and how I unknowingly transformed it into something acceptable. And because she gave me this awesome feeling of being ok with whatever showed up I was able to go deeper and deeper, still feeling safe despite the traumatic stuff that showed up. Thank you so much, dear Christine, this was really amazing!
Aemilian Lorenzi Certified Completion Process Practitioner
… Christine is an experienced and professional session giver. I felt very well guided and accompanied by Christine through the Completion Process. She was very empathetic and waited patiently and sensitively until I had completed the respective stages of the process inside of me. Overall, it took us about two hours till we were finished. During the session, inner doors appeared to me, which I had not noticed before. Through some of these doors I went – others I did not open. …
Isabelle R.
"Es hat eine tiefe Sehnsucht in mir berührt, einfach sein zu dürfen, mit all meinen Urteilen, Macken und meiner Wut. Vor anderen Menschen zu weinen, fiel mir bisweilen nicht so schwer. In Gegenwart eines anderen Menschen jedoch vor Wut zu toben und schreien, war für mich eine gänzlich neue, sehr befreiende Erfahrung. Nie hatte ich den Eindruck, in irgendeine Richtung gedrängt oder beurteilt zu werden. Christine hat mich mit sehr viel Empathie, Weisheit und einer guten Portion Humor begleitet. Gerade in schwierigen Prozessen kann ich mir keine bessere Unterstützung vorstellen!"
Rahel S.
Liebe Christine, wollte Dir kurz mal völlig dankbar rückmelden, dass ich den Schritt in eine Beziehung gemacht habe. Ging plötzlich alles sehr schnell, klar und entschieden, wo ich hin möchte… auch dank unserer nährenden Gespräche. Und voila!! Den Traummann gibt´s . .. und wie passend für uns beide!!! Hmmmmm Wunderschön, dieses Gefühl.
Rouven Lipp
„…Wie befreiend es sein kann, Wut oder Frust rauszulassen oder einfach den Tränen freien Lauf zu lassen hat so gut getan.“
Karolina Renate Rieser
„…sie hat mich in persönlichen Prozessen begleitet. Ihre Begleitung in Prozessen ist geprägt von Liebe, Offenheit, Wachsamkeit und einer unglaublich klaren, hellen Energie. Mit einer sehr hohen Präsenz arbeitet sie auf verschiedenen Bewusstseinsebenen und integriert fortwährend emotionale, physische, sowie spirituelle Aspekte des Seins.“…
David Elron
...I would like to Thank You for holding space for me and my process yesterday. I felt really safe and held in the space that you held which for me was very clear and focused and at the same time the care and gentleness i felt from you allowed me to go as deep as I went. Thank You for the gift that you bring forth in your being and space holding. I also appreciate very the clear summery you sent here. The process itself brought deeper aspects, other layers and some more clarity to a situation that I am familiar with and have worked with in the past. The hiding of this ball of fire / my essence feels like an important part in this.....