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Rage & Fear Club Special – Boundaries

April 2 @ 17:00 - April 23 @ 19:00


This Rage & Fear Club special is focused on boundaries.

Researching and establishing your inner and outer boundaries is essential to meet reality and therefore meet life itself.

You could translate moving from being a No to life, to being a yes for life, is what happens when you establish healthy boundaries in your life. You are shifting your point of orientation from against to for, from being emotionally afraid to using your feeling of fear, anger, sadness and joy to be who you are, a boundary.

This discovery journey is for you to research your habits, emotions, energetic technologies, your blocks which are holding you back from setting a boundary to move backwards to yourself to become the boundary.

You intensively explore your though patterns, your emotions, your approach, your survival strategies, which are still expressed in your behaviour with people today. Your language, your words, your mimic, your energetic body movement, your different behaviours coming from different orientations towards life, people and yourself.

You will discover your inner movement like a pendulum starting moving outwards, then move backwards, back and forth until it will stand still, with no effort because it IS.

In relation to your inner “boundary landscape”, you dive deep into the interplay of the energetic level, your language and voice and your physical body, as well as into the entanglements of your emotional body.

I think there is still a great misunderstanding of what boundaries really are and, above all, what effective, clear boundaries really are.

As soon as you are truly a boundary, the tensions within you and between you and the other person dissolve. You change the structure of your being and are in resonance with your new decision, a new energetic clarity.
As long as you still have to set a boundary, you are in resistance to your inner reality. You are fighting against something and therefore using emotional rage, fear and sadness instead of using your conscious feelings to bring your 5 bodies into the next space where the clarity of your decision is.



When: 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd of April 2024 – Tuesdays 5:00-7:00 pm

Where: online via Zoom

Language: English

Prerequesits: 4-week Rage Club


We will stay connected as a team through a Telegram group for insights, learnings, questions, legends and other collaboration offers.

There will be EHP Dojos happening held by rotating spaceholders from the participants. The first one will be held by me.


For registration, please klick here: https://forms.gle/gECzgwVJQDY6Ma7B8

For questions, please reach out via Telegram +41 79 866 2559 or via email: christine.duerschner@gmail.com


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April 2 @ 17:00
April 23 @ 19:00




+41 79 866 2559

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