Systemic constellation for social change

What is systemic constellation for social change?

Systemic Constellations for Social Change is a method that uses elements of classical systemic constellation work to visualize and work on complex social issues and change processes. The most important aspects are

How does systemic constellation work?

1. Visualization of complex systems: Social systems and their dynamics are represented spatially in order to make relationships and interactions visible.

2. Holistic approach: Not only individuals, but also abstract elements such as institutions, values or concepts are integrated into the constellation.

3. Change of perspective: By adopting different positions in the system, new insights and approaches to solutions can emerge.

4. Focus on change: The aim is to identify and promote opportunities for positive social change.

5. participatory method: those affected and actors in the social system are actively involved in the process.

6. interdisciplinary approach: insights from systems theory, sociology, psychology and other relevant disciplines are integrated.

7. solution orientation: the focus is on developing constructive solutions to social challenges.

8. awareness-raising: The method promotes a deeper understanding of systemic relationships and interactions in society.

This form of constellation work can be used in various contexts such as organizational development, community work or political education to make complex social dynamics tangible and initiate change processes.

In which areas can systemic constellations provide support?

1. partnership problems and relationship conflicts: Systemic constellations can help to identify deeper causes of problems in partnerships and families and to find sustainable solutions.

2. professional decisions and organizational development: In companies and teams, constellations can help to make dynamics visible and find solutions to conflicts or challenges.

3. Personal development: They provide support in finding the “right place in life” and breaking through recurring patterns.

4. Health issues: Systemic approaches can also be helpful for health problems in order to recognize underlying dynamics.

5. conflict management: In both private and professional contexts, constellations can help to resolve conflicts holistically and sustainably.

6. leadership development: Leaders can gain new perspectives on their team and the organizational structure through constellations.

7. decision-making: In complex decisions, constellations can help to make different aspects and possible effects visible.

8. Trauma work: In therapy, systemic approaches can help to understand and deal with trauma in the context of the larger system.

9. Team building: In groups and teams, constellations can improve collaboration and mutual understanding.

10. Organizational consulting: companies can benefit from systemic constellations to optimize complex structures and processes.

The method is particularly effective where complex relationships, hidden dynamics and the need for holistic solutions are involved.

Co-developers of this method

  • Luea Ritter
  • Nancy Zamierowski