For countless millennia Human Beings have been fighting for resources, food, territories, land, knowledge, money and property. Our so-called civilization is in survival mode. Fighting for or against each other, be it family, the neighbours, the politicians, the others with a different religion, worldview, attitude or opinion. This is the norm. We even fight for equality, human rights, climate change and peace.

Mostly, the consequence of all this fighting is fragmentation and separation instead of togetherness. Fighting is war, be it for peace, for human rights or for profit.

It is the tension between right and wrong, that “I know it — you don’t know it”, because “I know it better than you”. The craziness of owning land, animals and even people, through „modern slavery“. The insanity of thinking that controlling is the key to what evolution is calling us to do.

If you’re reading this article, you might be an edgeworker, a researcher of life, a hungry seeker of truth, a person who is probably pissed off and angry about life, a person who sees what is going on in the world right now and is asking yourself big questions:

Am I the crazy, irrational one or are they crazy and irrational?

Probably you are telling yourself:

“If we go on like this, we will kill the planet within the next century.”

Maybe you feel hopeless. Maybe you feel silly to be feeling so much. After all, when you look around, your peers don’t seem to be as worried or freaked out as you are. (At least not on the surface.)

Well, I have a question for you. A proposal, really. My proposal is…

What if you are R.I.G.H.T. about it?

Modern society is designed to disempower people, because it is built within a hierarchical structure. By design, a hierarchical structure has some small group of empowered people at the top, and a majority of disempowered people at the bottom. Believe it or not. The current society is not interested in you growing up and becoming an evolutionary. As a side note: As an evolutionary person, you are a person who cares for the planet and its inhabitants enough to take action and become an agent of transformation.

The system is a closed system, which defends itself. Every system, every cell is designed to defend itself. This is how systems work. If you are in the system, which will fight for its existence, and you are trying to change that system, then you are fighting too.

So, how to get out of the system, you might ask? Great question.

Let’s get back to being right. The root cause of the situation we are in is “being right.” Being right causes wars, destruction, separation and disempowerment all over the globe. And, no matter how right you are, there’s always someone or something that will claim to be just a bit “right-er” than you.

A wise man, Clinton Callahan, once said: “Do you want to be right or do you want to be in relationship?”

Clearly, being right (at least in the way we’ve done it so far as a species) has been a disaster. But there’s another kind of ‘being right’ — a ‘being right’ that has more to do with trusting our feelings, our observations, and our perceptions.

Let’s take a look at this other kind of ‘being right,’ distil it and give it a new purpose.

The new purpose of being R.I.G.H.T.

R ational

I ntelligence

G enius

H olistic

T ransformation


For many years I was asking myself, if I am irrational. Am I the crazy, strange weirdo who thinks that what is happening on this planet is super schizophrenic. I was wondering if I was stupid, not understanding the rules. If I was the puzzle piece that just never fit in, the one that had fallen out of its box and into the wrong package?

Then one day, I checked out this perspective using a part of the Byron Katie technique and asked myself: “What if they are irrational and I am rational?”

What about this? I am Rational. What if I was designed to actually never fit in, so that I would be forced to find a pathway out of this culture and into the next culture? And what if you are such a puzzle piece too?


What if you are the Intelligence that is needed to design the bridge into Next Culture? The Intelligence which says clearly “NO” to what is happening in the world, which has already exterminated 60% of all plants and animals within the last 50 years? To say “STOP” to violence and “YES” to inspiring innovation and evolutionary steps towards a culture on this planet which includes sustainable lifestyle, community-based living, healthy food, clean water, fresh air and collaboration across borders.


Becoming the Geniuses we actually are, if kindergarten, school and university had not muted this possibility in us. The playful genius in us, that comes to life when stepping onto a road of fresh fallen snow. This spark of creativity and adventure, possibility and craziness. Making new steps. Fresh steps into the blank canvas of life, as if there has been nothing before. The aliveness and curiosity, which drives us into new territories. The genius in us, which is anchored in the unknown pulling us into the new adventure.


The adventure of realising the complexity of the Holistic being, called earth, which all of us (including YOU) are a part of. There is no such thing as “a single human being“ on this planet. There are humans, interlinked with nature, the planet, the universe. We are Earth. What we are doing to Earth, we are doing to ourselves. Burning the trees is like smoking cigarettes. Straightening the rivers is like putting a bypass into the veins, which permits more flow but does not address the root cause of the original problem. Addressing symptoms slows down the disease. It doesn’t eradicate it.


Transformation is shifting the energetic structure, so that something else is possible. What if you are capable to shift your shape, shift your inner structure, so that you become the catalyst for Next Culture?

Being R.I.G.H.T. could be the gateway to the future you are longing for. There are others like you, other puzzle pieces waiting for you to create Next Culture — the culture you were actually designed for.

Getting clarity about where you are and seeing more clearly the signs for the next steps is where life starts to get interesting, at least for me. See this as a sign. This is where you are. This is the door to be the new way of being R.I.G.H.T.

If you are ready to start being R.I.G.H.T., a good place to begin is with StartOver. StartOver is a free online thoughtware-upgrading plattform, which is designed for your personal development. A hub for more than 500 websites packed with life changing distinctions and experiments, to train and practise alone or with a team. Remember, there are other puzzle pieces on their way to Next Culture.

Your next experiment and other puzzle pieces are waiting.

See you one the other side.